Hi! I am Yi-Shan Lee

I graduated with M.S. from the National Tsing Hua University advised by Prof. Sun Min. I am interested in deep learning, metric learning and recommendation system.

I graduated with B.S. from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, supervised by Prof. Kai-Ten Feng.

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Aug 2023 - Preset Realtek, Digital IC Verification Engineer
Sep 2021 - Jul 2023 VSLab @ NTHU, M.S. student
Advisor: Prof. Min Sun
Feb 2020 - Jun 2021 MINT Lab @ NYCU, B.S. student
Advisor: Prof. Kai-Ten Feng


VMCML:Video and Music Matching via Cross-Modality Lifting
Yi-Shan Lee, Wei-Cheng Tseng, Fu-En Wang, Min Sun.
CVPR Workshop 2024. PDF


Sep 2022 - Jan 2023 An Interesting Fighting Game using Style-based Generative Adversarial Network and Real-time Human Pose Estimation
computer vision course
It is an interesting two-player fighting game that aims to present real-time human action detection using the front-facing camera. Besides, the players' faces gradually change to ugly faces during the game.
Feb 2021 - Jun 2021 Pre-processing for AngLoc Indoor Location Figerprinting using Wi-Fi CSI
MINT Lab @ NYCU, B.S. student, advised by Prof. Kai-Ten Feng.
Utilize the technique of noise removal and phase calibration to preprocess the Wi-Fi CSI to improve the performance of indoor localization.
July 2020 - Jan 2021 Learning-Based Indoor Localization by Using Wi-Fi CSI
MINT Lab @ NYCU, B.S. student, advised by Prof. Kai-Ten Feng
Utilize Wi-Fi CSI and machine learning to predect the location of people in a room.
Feb 2020 - Jun 2020 Wi-Fi Based Indoor Localization
MINT Lab @ NYCU, B.S. student, advised by Prof. Kai-Ten Feng
Utilize Wi-Fi CSI and machine learning to detect the presence of people in a room.
Feb 2019 - Jun 2019 A Game for Snake Touching Cube
object-oriented programming course
Players need to control the snake to move left and right. When it encounters a block, it will offset its own length. The number of the block will offset the length. CODE


Mar 2018 Academic Achievement Award (Awarded to the top 5% students in the previous semester.)